Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our quest to cloth

"Why would you want to cloth diaper?  I cannot imagine washing poopy diapers in my washing machine!  Yuck!"  I get that a lot when I talk with other moms when I say that we cloth diaper Solveig.  
Why did we start?  Mainly for financial reasons.  Also, I did not want thousands of diapers sitting in a landfill that take hundreds of years to fully break down.  And I didn't want those chemicals on my babies bottom!  
I will admit that we don't always cloth.  In fact, Solveig is in bed with a disposable on right now.  I have been too busy with packing that I keep forgetting to wash her diapers.  BUT 90% of the time she is in a cloth diaper!  
Our transition to cloth was very easy.  I took a lot of time researching and chatting with other clothing moms on  We didn't start until Solveig was about 2 months.  She was so little and we couldn't afford to buy fitted diapers that would just fit her for a short time.  We got some diapers as gifts and then got an awesome deal on some prefolds that were being clearanced out!  Then, we were on our way...and we got into the groove fairly quickly!  Anders loved prefolds right off the bat, which surprised me since they are a bit more difficult to get used to.  I, myself, was a fan of the BumGenius 3.0s. 
We have quite the 'stash' now.  Mainly all pockets.  8 BumGenius 3.0s, 6 SnappyBottoms, 1 FuzziBunz, 3 Rocky Mountains, and a dozen or so prefolds with Thirsties covers.  I am currently in the process of turning some of my prefolds into fitteds.  But, life is a bit busy and my sewing projects haven't been touched in a while.  


After helping a few other new mommies start their own cloth diapering ventures, my husband suggested I start a cloth diapering blog.  Yes.  I know.  There are TONS of these blogs out there already.  I admit, I am no expert.  But I wanted to create a place that I can direct people to when they have questions about cloth diapering.  This is a new project of mine and our lives are a bit busy.  So, bear with me as I start creating this blog!